Padenghe sul Garda è un affascinante comune situato sulla riva sud-occidentale del Lago di Garda, famoso per il suo incantevole centro storico e il suggestivo paesaggio lacustre. Il paese è un angolo tranquillo, perfetto per chi cerca una vita serena e a contatto con la natura, ma allo stesso tempo ben collegato alle principali vie di comunicazione e ai servizi.
Questo raffinato appartamento si trova al terzo piano di una palazzina recentemente ristrutturata, che ospita poche unità abitative, garantendo così un ambiente intimo e riservato. L'immobile offre ampi spazi interni, con un luminoso soggiorno, una cucina separata, due camere da letto (una matrimoniale e una singola) e un bagno dotato di velux per l'illuminazione naturale. Le finiture di alta qualità e la disposizione degli spazi rendono questo appartamento ideale per una vita comoda e funzionale. A completare la proprietà, gli spazi esterni sono particolarmente interessanti: i terrazzi a tasca, affacciati sulla zona giorno, offrono un’ulteriore zona vivibile, perfetta per godersi la privacy e il panorama circostante. Inoltre, sono presenti spazi deposito ricavati nell’ingresso e nel vano scale esclusivo, oltre a una cantina al piano interrato, per un ulteriore spazio di stoccaggio.
Situato in una posizione centrale, a pochi passi dai principali servizi come negozi, supermercati e mezzi pubblici, questo appartamento rappresenta una soluzione ideale per chi cerca una residenza tranquilla ma comoda. Con spese condominiali contenute, è perfetto come prima casa, punto d’appoggio o come investimento. Un'opportunità da non perdere!
Oder lassen Sie Ihre Daten hier um von einem Spezialisten angerufen zu werden.
Natasha Androni
Tel.: +39.333.8331855
Padenghe, Moniga und Soiano sind drei kleine Dörfer mit Blick auf eine hügelige Landschaft, von der aus man einen unvergesslichen Blick auf den Gardasee hat. Eine Gegend voller Strände und Buchten, in denen man baden kann, und für die Abenteuerlustigeren, gibt es zahlreiche Wege und Pfade durch Olivenhaine und Weinberge. Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, ein Haus in Padenghe, Moniga oder Soiano zu kaufen, um die Schönheit des Gardasees zu genießen.
Immobilienerwerb in Italien
Die Erfahrung und die Zuverlässigkeit des Personals des Gardalive weiß genau, wie sie Sie während des gesamten Prozesses Begleiten und unterstützen können, um Ihren Traum zu verwirklichen.
Verkauf Ihrer Immobilie am Gardasee
Vertrauen Sie beim Verkauf Ihrer Immobilie auf unser langjähriges Know-how. Unser erfahrenes Team berät Sie gerne und erarbeitet die beste Lösung für Sie.
A22 Brennero - Modena
Ausfahrt Rovereto sud (TN) für Gardasee Nord
Ausfahrt Affi (VR) für Gardasee Süd
A4 Serenissima Milano - Venezia
Ausfahrt Brescia est
Ausfahrt Sirmione (BS)
Büro Salò:
Piazza Sergio Bresciani, 16, 25087 Salò (BS)
Tel.: + 39 0365 520 153
Büro Toscolano Maderno:
Via Statale, 28, 25088 Toscolano Maderno (BS)
Tel.: +39 0365 641 819
Büro Manerba:
Via Vittorio Gassman 1/B, 25080
Manerba del Garda (BS)
Tel.: +39 0365 55 10 61
Büro Sirmione:
Via Brescia, 10/14, 25019 Sirmione (BS)
Tel.: +39 030 91 96 395
As per Article 13 of Italian Legislative Decree No. 196 of 30 June 2003, "Regulations on Personal Data Protection", Benaco Intermediazioni S.r.l. Tecnocasa partner, as the "Owner" of data protection, informs you that the personal data provided and obtained (i) during the Запрос for information for the purposes of the services offered by the company (ii) when browsing the website through the so-called system logs, will be handled for the following purposes:
1) Purposes strictly connected and/or required to managing your Запрос or obtained through the website or by email or any other communication device;
2) Purposes related to requirements stated by laws, regulations and EU standards as well as disposals given by authorised bodies or security and control bodies;
3) Operational purposes for activities carried out by Benaco Intermediazioni S.r.l. Tecnocasa partner including but not limited to: survey of customers satisfaction rating relevant to the quality of services supplied, either carried out directly or through specialised companies by means of personal or telephone interviews, questionnaires, etc.; newsletters and promotional documentation about the services offered by Benaco Intermediazioni S.r.l. and/or companies belonging to the group, market researches, economical and statistical analyses.
According to the above mentioned purposes, the handling of personal data is carried out through manual or IT tools with methods strictly connected with the purposes and adopting suitable measures for guaranteeing the security and confidentiality of the data. The handling of personal data can be carried out with the above mentioned methods and modalities by Benaco Intermediazioni S.r.l., by third parties supplying services of data processing or carrying out complementary activity or activities required for carrying out services and operations you required. Moreover, when it is necessary in order to satisfy your Запросs, data can be also disclosed to Benaco Intermediazioni S.r.l. Tecnocasa partner employees, additional departments of the company and companies, even foreign companies, belonging to the same group.
Data will be stored within the EU, on a server owned by Benaco Intermediazioni S.r.l. Tecnocasa partner or other companies of the Group.
With reference to the above mentioned purposes, Benaco Intermediazioni S.r.l. Tecnocasa partner informs that supplying personal information is optional for the activities of the company, while it is compulsory for purposes 1) and 2) and therefore in these last cases the refusal to provide personal information will cause the impossibility to fulfil your Запросs by Benaco Intermediazioni S.r.l. Tecnocasa partner
With reference to the above situation 3), Benaco Intermediazioni S.r.l. Tecnocasa partner will require from time to time, by means of boxes on the website pages, the authorisation for the use of personal data.
Benaco Intermediazioni S.r.l. Tecnocasa partner informs that under article 7 of the Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003, you have special rights for authorising the use of your personal data. In particular you may obtain by the owner or any other data manager the confirmation of the existence of personal data regarding you and that they are available in a comprehensible way. You have also the right to know the contents and origin and purposes of data handling or Запрос that they be integrated, updated or changed; Запрос that the data be deleted, transformed into an anonymous form or that any data treated in breach of the law be blocked; and to oppose in any case, for lawful reasons, their processing.
For any information relevant to this document as well as to exercise the above mentioned rights, please contact the following email address:
In order to be informed about any change or modification of policies relevant to privacy statement followed by Benaco Intermediazioni S.r.l. Tecnocasa partner, mainly due to standard amendments, we kindly ask you to often check this page.